Zenna has been teaching hundreds of yoga students for hundreds of years! Well, almost 45 years! Please scroll down or click on a link to jump down to see the Yoga, Prenatal, and Mom & Baby Testimonials. Enjoy!
About Zenna
More About Zenna
Prenatal Yoga
Mom & Baby Yoga
About Zenna (previously Zena)
"Zena's great yoga classes have helped me improve my focus, flexibility and balance." -Donna Crozier, World Masters Games Tennis Women's Doubles Bronze Medalist 2005
"Zena's yoga classes provide a balance for my active lifestyle." -Brooke Martens, World Master Games Triathlon Silver Medalist 2005
"Seeing Zena every week definitely brightens one’s life, and puts a bounce in your step!" -C.R.
“Zena sees both your physical and spiritual potential, and gently guides you towards it. With Zena, becoming an ardent Yogini seemed to just happen, and I found myself unfolding like a lotus flower. I didn't realize the full beauty of it until two separate individuals, at a recent medical check-up, asked me if I did yoga, and with whom.” -Lynda Flynn
"Dakini Yoga with Zena has given me balance. Sometimes yoga class is the only time that I do not dwell on "issues". I have learned to put aside other people's anger or frustration and not accept it as my own. Workplace stress is minimized and I am better able to deal with issues as they arise. I am calmer and physically I am in better shape. I have chronic shoulder pain and yoga stretches help to alleviate that." -N.L.C.
“After two car accidents, I was unable to attend regular exercise classes without hurting myself. Yoga with Zena was a soft way of re-strengthening my neck and back. She knew how to modify the poses to suit my limitations.” -Jenna Warren
"My husband was diagnosed with brain cancer. I was overcome with worry, anxiety...so I decided I had to do something about it or risk becoming sick myself. Zena's Dakini Yoga classes became my refuge... She has taught me the importance of honoring and caring for myself. Yoga helps release the stresses of my day (both body and mind), brings me peace, and renews my hope that everything will be ok. I am so grateful to have met Zena and feel so privileged to be taking her classes. She is an amazing, caring and cheerful individual and such a joy to be around!" -Eva Diotte
"Zena, I want to thank you for everything you have taught me. Not only have I grown an entire centimeter (you can tell I am really happy about that), I did not have to take any painkillers after my surgery just because of the breathing techniques you have taught us! That is so great! -Carrie Veenstra
"Zena has been an inspirational guide and teacher who has healed me in many ways. When I first started classes 5 years ago, I was looking for more than exercise - I was looking for recovery. I had a broken heart, lost family members, betrayed by close friends, worked with negative people and bullies in a hostile stressful environment and I had begun to show health problems. I was out of balance and hurting terribly on the inside. She taught me to accept and to love myself and helped me heal my heart as well as remember to honor my body. I am still learning but I have found inner peace and strength and my health has improved in many ways. Back to Top of Page
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Anyone who has taken a class with Zena will immediately realize that not only is she a master of her trade but also a loving kind hearted soul who shines love and compassion. It is hard to find such a teacher who doesn’t just dwell on the physical but goes to deeper levels and yet maintains a sense of fun and childlike play. Thank you Zena. You are one of the honored teachers in my life." -Yeshim Faltinson
“My Yoga journey with Zena began 9 years ago. What began for me as an exercise class quickly turned into a life-changing experience. My yoga training helped me to face major surgery and the subsequent healing process with a calm mind and positive attitude. My recovery time was greatly minimized thanks to the yoga techniques I have learned from Zena. I have been blessed with many wonderful teachers in my life, but it is Zena’s voice that is in my mind, guiding me.” -Shari Paziuk
"By participating for the last 6 years in Zena’s various Yoga classes, I have gained the knowledge and know-how to release my daily aches, whether mental or physical, with the various breathing techniques taught by Zena. And through the continual practice of the assorted poses, my muscles have been stretched so I am actually a ¼” taller, I’m healthier, experiencing less colds and flu and I feel younger with improved flexibility.” -Diane Lee
"The quality of teaching I learnt from you has enriched my life and my work. ....your multi-dimensional approach of teaching yoga has help me cultivate a multidimensional -ness as well. It was rich, deep and connected. You will always be an important teacher to me, Zena, and I'm grateful for all I learnt from you, and mostly I loved just how you were so you in your fun way. Peace & love & deep respect. Thanks. -Jackie Latimer
“I have had a number of knee surgeries...and thought of myself as a person with a bad knee. Through Dakini Yoga Classes and Zena's encouragement I realized that my knee was only different from my other knee and was actually stronger and much more flexible than I thought it to be. I am now completely confident to try any of the yoga poses and doing so has made both of my knees stronger. Practicing yoga with Zena has taught me to trust my body and to believe in its strength.” -Carol Kotylak-Hapke
“Zena teaches her students to connect with their inner energy and heal themselves physically, mentally and emotionally.” -Karen Kirkwood
“Zena not only gently instructs Yoga but takes into consideration what is happening in your life and ensures you are comfortable with every exercise.” -Danielle Smith
“Zena offers her support and guidance to each individual as a gifted Life Teacher.” -Diane Lee
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Prenatal Yoga:
“I believe it was because of the Dakini Prenatal Yoga Classes with Zena that I was able to give birth naturally without an epidural. In fact, the doctor and nurses commented multiple times about how confident and relaxed I was during the whole thing.” -Jenna Warren
“I experienced sciatica early in my pregnancy, then as soon as I began Prenatal Yoga with Zena it was no longer a concern.” -Danielle Smith
"Dakini Yoga played an important role in my pregnancy, and especially in the labour. I really don't think I could have gone through a drug free delivery without yoga. It provided both the peace and power I needed to get through what was a pretty overwhelming task! I used so much of what I learned in your class, Zena. Thank you." -Jennifer McKillop
"I came to Zena when I was three months’ pregnant, loved the classes, and attended my last one the day before my due date! I continue to use her relaxation techniques in dealing with the everyday stresses (and enjoyment!) of being a new Mom. Seeing Zena every week definitely brightens one’s life, and puts a bounce in your step!" -Candice Robinson
“I was greatly surprised and pleased at the immediate welcome and warmth I felt from Zena. She cares very much how her students are doing, and keeps in touch with them even after they have left. Over two years later, she is the teacher I recommend for pregnant mummies, all my friends who want to get in shape and to everyone I meet.” -Lisa Fedirko
"I knew I wanted to try and have as natural and drug-fee a delivery as I possibly could. I was able to have the birthing experience I wanted - Zena taught us a lot about re-distributing our pain in our minds, on how to mentally draw our babies out, and different breathing/chanting techniques that really helped. Thanks Zena!" -Lisa Anderson
"During my pregnancies I have a tendency to worry about everything. I came to Zena's Prenatal Yoga Classes when I was pregnant with my second child and third child, and after attending classes became more grounded and at peace. I began to trust my body more. Zena made a huge difference, because she is so knowledgeable, and she gives off a beautiful healing aura. I couldn't have birthed my babies so well without my yoga therapy." -Megan Farhall-Relling
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Mom & Baby Yoga:
“Mom & Baby Yoga is a wonderful way for the moms to get out and de-stress for an hour; but even better, I’ve learned how to gently massage my baby which in turn has led to her sleeping much better!” -Lisa Anderson
“As a result of joining the Mom & Baby Yoga I have lost 12 pounds in less than two months.” -Lindsey Ahlefeld
"My baby loves it when I do the cat stretches over him. It makes him laugh every time.
I don't like missing the class with Zena because it does me a world of good." -Debbie Craig
“Following the birth of my daughter, I attended Zena’s Mom & Baby Yoga. My body quickly worked its way back to what it was previous to pregnancy and a new mommy group was created for after yoga socializing.”
-Jenna Warren
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